Nifty Loops
Loops: (NIFTY101- NIFTY113)
All loops in Nifty Loops: Collection 1 are built around the same musical patterns (scores/tablature). There is 1 Drum Pattern, 1 Bass Pattern, and 2 other musical patterns. Each of these 4 patterns can be played by 2 different instruments. The 13 ‘loops’ are different results from this ruleset. The instruments that are playing in each loop are noted in the NFT traits. I believe this is what makes Nifty Loops a novel offering. I am yet to have seen a music/audio NFT collection using traits as credits/liner notes/attributions like this. Each Loop NFT in this collection is minted with a quantity of 10.
Full Piece: (NIFTY1F)
A 10-minute-long piece comprised of a progression through all 13 loops. This is minted with a quantity of 1 and is more of a traditional 'track' release. You can listen to the piece here to hear the range available within Collection 1.
Cover: (NIFTY1C)
Cover art has also been minted for Collection 1. This allows for the collection to be represented on platforms that don’t currently support audioNFTs. The covers were minted with a quantity of 1000. The intention is also to have a low barrier of entry into supporting Nifty Loops: Collection 1 that should work on most platforms.